Dartford Grammar School for Girls


History of Leeds Castle

Leeds Castle Stands on two islands in a lake, formed by the River Len and is sometimes described as ‘the loveliest castle in the world’.  Constructed in the twelfth century to be an impregnable stronghold, it became known as ‘Lady’s castle’.  Its royal residents included Eleanor and Margaret, the wives of Edward I, Philippa of Halnault, wife of Edward III, Catherine de Valois, Henry V’s wife, Catherine of Aragon, first wife of Henry VIII and Elizabeth I, who was imprisoned here for a time before her coronation.

House Colour : Green

Green, the colour of life, renewal, nature, and energy, is associated with meanings of growth, harmony, freshness, safety, fertility, and environment.

Your Leeds House Team for 2022-2023

House Captain Mia 13C
Deputy House Captain Desiree 13B
Deputy House Captain Kira 13C
Senior House Prefect

Ivana 13G

 House motto:
Leeds - Lead by example; Leeds - we are all leaders; Leeds - born to lead

Our Charity Last Year

Charity day 2017

This year the charity we raised money for was 'Make A Wish'. This charity provides incredibly ill children with the opportunity to do something they have always dreamt of. The first thing they say on their website is 'We exist for one reason - to grant magical wishes to enrich the lives of children and young people fighting life-threatening conditions.' 

This is an amazing cause and this year, the girls did an amazing job to raise money to help.

7L had a fantastic idea to show off their abilities by having a talent show. Each and every student did an amazing job and it was so lovely to show off the talent we have in Leeds while raising money for a good cause! 8L had the fantastic idea to 'sponge teachers and sixth formers'. This event had a spectacular turn out and I have never seen so many people crowded around in the playground. Special thanks to Mr Barton, Jaz and Burak for getting stuck in and for the girls for their great organisation and enthusiasm. 9L put on a football match in the sports hall that anyone could join in for or come and watch. Loads of students got involved and it was lovely to bring out the healthy competition and team work skills that the students in the school have. 10L did extremely well in their bake sale. We had so many lovely treats which were both shop bought and home made. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed it and overall it was a fantastic day for the whole of Leeds!

I am so proud to see how all students come together and recognise how valuable and important these charity days are. The enthusiasm of Leeds and the generosity of the whole school is truly overwhelming and we could not have done a better job. Leeds raised £460 this year! A huge well done to everyone who contributed, you have definitely made a difference to a child's life. Thank you all so much!

Shannon - 13D

House Mascot: Our mascot is the one eyed monster Mike Wazowski 

Mike has a very outgoing personality - just like the members of Leeds House!

Year 7 House Visit

First, we boarded the coach and the journey was quite long, but we got to bond along the way and learn more about each other. When we finally arrived, we waited by the gift shop to receive our maps, information packs and wristbands. We then started our walk towards the castle in pairs. Along the way, we got to see some of the modern statues that had been recently built. Going through the cellar, we got to see all the rooms in the castle and there was even a fun quiz to complete.  We thoroughly enjoyed walking around  and seeing some of Britain's most important history and learning about all the different inhabitants. After completing a tour of the castle, we stood outside to take pictures then made our way to a place where we could eat our lunch. However, the ducks kept coming over to have some and Miss Statton and Miss Bakewell had to keep chasing them away, even though they wouldn't give up! When we finished eating, we took class pictures on the bench outside and ended the day there.

Fiyin 7L